Questions? We got answers

Check below for the most frequently asked questions. If you don't see your answer, feel free to get in touch with us.

Frequently asked questions


Why should I outsource my call center operations to grit?

Outsourcing call center services to grit comes with a lot of perks. These are..
• Huge Cost Savings
• Increased Profits
• Need to hire less resources
• Decreased administrative hassles
• Highly skilled personnel with high experience at low cost


Is there any training process underlined for your contact center agents?

All contact center agents are pre trained at handling calls, navigating software  and overcoming different situations based on pest  knowledge and industry standard based service protocols but they are provided detailed information on your particular operating procedures, programs and services, and pricing information.  Your website, and partner profile that we build together help our Agents understand your business and culture better and prepare us to Truly be extension of your team.


How long have you been offering call center solutions?

Grit has been in the outsourcing business since 2017 but Our owner and operator has been a part of the pest control industry for over 15 years Having established long lasting relationships and Shared resources within our community.


I want to do business with you, how can I start?

This is easy. Fill out the form below and schedule a time for an onboarding phone call. It will help us draft a customized Profile and contract based on your needs. Once you receive the contract, accept it, and email us the signed copy along with the payment. We will then start training our staff for 1-2 weeks as per your specialized business needs, and will start answering your customer's Inquiries and phone calls thereafter.

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A true industry partner for you.
100% US-based.
Female owned & operated.
More then 20 years of experience.

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